New Proposed By-Laws

Thank you again to those who have provided comments. The Board will incorporate many of the comments we have received into the final version that will be mailed out for approval. The next Board meeting is Sep 24, 2006 – please submit any comments you may have by then.

The need to change the by-laws stems primarily from the changes made to the Condominium Property Act in 2000. Simply, our existing by-laws are obsolete and contain provisions that are outdated, and more importantly, do not contain provisions that are in the current Act.

The Board retained a highly respected condominium lawyer to prepare the draft by-laws. The draft by-laws were reviewed by Board, Breamore and the developer in an effort to ensure they represent, to the best of our ability, the trade-offs between keeping the Resort a fun place to be for all and respecting the rights of all Owners and the provisions in the original by-laws we all agreed to.

For the most part, there are minor changes to the by-laws regarding what Owners can and cannot do. Most of the proposed changes are to bring the by-laws into sync with the new Act and the current standards for condominium by-laws in Alberta.

We have been asked to provide a list of the proposed changes around the "rules" in the proposed new by-laws. The Board will provide a list of the proposed material changes with the final by-laws when they are mailed out for approval.