It was nice to see that we use 1024 x 768 and the web page has been modified to look 'best' at this resolution
2. What is the resolution of your browser? This is for the computer that you normally go to the Little Bow Resort Webpage.
Response Percent Response Total
800 X 600 (1 Red Line, 2 Blue Lines, 2 Green Lines)
22.8% 23
1024 X 768 (1 Red Line, 1 Blue Line, 2 Green Lines)
52.5% 53
1280 X 1024 (1 Red Line, 1 Blue Line, 1 Green Line)
24.8% 25
Total Respondents   101
(skipped this question)   8
3. If you see something completely different, please pick the closest answer and tell me what you have here. Any other comments relating to this question, please put them here.
 Total Respondents  
(skipped this question)   105
I try to put something on the news page every week but at the same time I'm not going to post something just for the sake of posting something.   Please try to visit this page every week or 2 to see if something is happening.   I will post planned outages (gas, electricity) and I get updates from our caretaker if we get weather related damage.  Snow blocked roads, wind damage, etc  I would expect more news in the spring, summer, & fall as more is happening at the lake.   All information emailed and snail mailed to unit owners is posted here.  If haven't received information in the past you can find it here.  If you see something here that says mailed and you didn't receive it, please let me know so we can add your email address to our database.  This is important for timely information
4. How often do you go to the NEWS page. If you just found out about the news page, please indicated how often you think you might go to the news page.
Response Percent Response Total
Less than once per month
19% 19
Once per month
29% 29
2-3 times per month
21% 21
Once per week
23% 23
2-3 times per week
7% 7
Once per day
0% 0
More than once per day
1% 1
Total Respondents   100
(skipped this question)   9
It was nice to see that the effort that went into the weather system was being used.  When the system starts to forecast I would expect this to increase
5. How often do/did you go to the WEATHER page in the Summer?
Response Percent Response Total
Less than once per month
25% 25
Once per month
11% 11
2-3 times per month
12% 12
Once per week
26% 26
2-3 times per week
13% 13
Once per day
10% 10
More than once per day
3% 3
Total Respondents   100
(skipped this question)   9
The results of this question were expected.  I am looking into an upgrade that would show snow levels and predict snow drift depths based on wind direction and speed
6. How often do/will you go to the weather page in the Winter?
Response Percent Response Total
Less than once per month
33% 33
Once per month
18% 18
2-3 times per month
18% 18
Once per week
17% 17
2-3 times per week
9% 9
Once per day
4% 4
More than once per day
1% 1
Total Respondents   100
(skipped this question)   9
I moved a few things around based on the results here.  I put the current temperature on the main page so those that only want to see that, can easily.   I also moved the historical information to a different page to help load the page quicker and also as it was used less.  On the historical page I also posted the historical LAKE water levels
7. After this survey is complete the weather page will be re-designed. What are the most important features of the weather page. (Things you would like at the top)
Response Percent Response Total
Current Temperature
94.7% 89
Last 3 Hours
14.9% 14
Last 24 hours
35.1% 33
Last 48 Hours
16% 15
Last 72 Hours
9.6% 9
Last Week
9.6% 9
Wind Energy
70.2% 66
Hitorial Text High/Lows
18.1% 17
Historical Daily Graphs
10.6% 10
Historical Monthly Graphs
17% 16
Month to Date Information
21.3% 20
Travers Water Levels
46.8% 44
Total Respondents   94
(skipped this question)   15
I received a surprising number of comments saying don't change the weather page so it has mostly been untouched other than the above.  Upgrade options to look at are, web cam to see conditions on the lake and traffic, rain & snow gauge, humidity sensor to predict fire bans and moisture for automatic sprinklers, also to predict hail storms and tornadoes, and water temperature.  If you support upgrading to any of these, please let me know.  If there is enough support these can be purchased through condo fees.
8. Comments or suggestions on the above questions
 Total Respondents  
(skipped this question)   87
Comments here were mostly based from those that were at the SGM.   Still there was support for an open forum provided it was policed somehow.   The forum has been posted for anyone to post comments.  The 'rules' are displayed at the top of the forum page
9. Would you support and open forum page
Response Percent Response Total
31% 31
27% 27
Yes but it would need to be filtered/edited for language and ensure names of people are left out
42% 42
Total Respondents   100
(skipped this question)   9
10. Do you have any comments on this concept or reasons why we should or shouldn’t have an open forum?
 Total Respondents  
(skipped this question)   75
Thank-you for your supportive comments and ideas on how to make the website better.  If you think of something later or after viewing this survey, please email me.
11. What do you like or don’t like about the web page? Is there something missing? Is there something that I/we could add that would bring you to the website more often?
 Total Respondents  
(skipped this question)   72
2 new surveys in the works for mid January on Swim Area and Playground.  I hope to post some information on ATV's/Golf Carts sometime on or after Christmas for those that had comments on that
12. General comments. What topics would you like discussed in future surveys? Current topics are water (irrigation & meters), playground (to have or not to have and where to have it), and Boat launch (Dock, ramp & parking lot)
 Total Respondents  
(skipped this question)   72