Little Bow Resort - News

Photo by Elfie Hall

This is a private resort and information contained here is intended for unit owners. 
Information not to be duplicated without permission

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Jan. 2, 2010Important!
If you have this page bookmarked - you will miss the 2010 News! Please change your bookmark!

Jan. 2, 2010Happy New Year!

Dec. 21New House Numbers!
The survey results can be viewed here.

Dec. 21Merry Christmas - Happy Holidays!
Seasons Greetings from the Board of LBR and the Management!

Dec. 18We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Years.
Ray & Verna

Dec. 132010 Family Day Fishing Derby!
Ice fishing is starting early this year! This is a reminder, that the 2010 LBR Ice Fishing Derby will be held on February Family Day weekend!
For more info - contact:
Norman Massey or (403) 280-3674.
Bill Erickson or (403) 792-0009
Sean Falle or (403) 815-5599.
On the fishing derby weekend that there is no fishing licenses needed for any one.
Alberta has two free fishing weekends each year: the Family Day weekend and one in the summer that coincides with National Fishing Week. The next Family Day free fishing weekend will take place February 13 to 15, 2010.
Alberta Government

Dec. 5Winter 2009 has blown in!!!!!

Nov. 25Survey!
Reminder that the Proposed House Numbering survey will close November 30. If you have not voted, please do so before November 30.

Nov.18 Check for the November 2009 Newsletter here. Also, there is a new Survey.

Nov 12No Trees or Lumber in garbage bins!!
Please do not put them into blue garbage bins!!!

Nov 2Little Bow Resort Photo Book available!! Click here for more info! I have ordered 10 books that should be here next week. If you are interested, let me know!

Nov 2Free Firewood available!!! Yesterday a farmer dropped by and offered dry poplar firewood they are cutting up. There will be little stacks of wood that you can drive in and help yourself.
Thanks Bill E.!

Oct. 16Water Plant!
The Water plant will be Shut Down Wed.Oct 21 at about 9:30 am. for a couple of hours.

Oct. 7Strong winds!
Please be advised to check your cabins because of very strong winds last night!

Oct. 4Trailer owners!
Please be advised that the water to all trailers has been shut off on Saturday Oct 3 due to cold weather.

Oct. 3THANK YOU!!!
Thank You to all the volunteers that helped remove the new dock!! A special Thank You to Kevin for the use of the Zoomboom!!!
Check out the new Album here!

Sep. 30Check for the October 2009 Newsletter and Water Treatment Plant Update here.

Sep. 23Property Taxes!
Reminder to pay your property taxes by September 30. The revised assessment rate is .005727 on municipal portion. Please call the County if you do not have your revised amount. Owners that are monthly or paid the full amount before revision should receive a cheque in October.

Sep. 21Trailer Owners!
Please be advised that Oct 13 all water to RV trailors will be shut down for winter or sooner if weather turns cold.

Sep. 19Dock removal!
The 'new' dock will be removed on October 3.If you are able to help, please meet at the boat launch at 10:00.

Sep. 16Buoys at marina
The buoys at the marina will be removed on Saturday, September 19.
If you are able to help, please meet at 10AM at Unit #84.

Sep. 16Halloween
As Halloween falls on a Saturday this year, a number of parents have shown an interest in Trick or Treating at the lake and possibly a Halloween party after (if a location can be found).

If your interested in participating either in handing out the candy or bringing your little (or big) goblins please email Tracy Hodal at with the following Information.

Unit number handing out candy:
Number of kids Trick or Treating:
Owners that reply, will receive a list of houses that are participating.

Sep. 9Water levels
Due to low water levels this will be the last weekend for old dock.

Sep. 4FYI - From Calgary Herald - submitted by Ron Girvitz. Click here to view info.

Sep. 4 Check for the September 2009 Newsletter here.

Sep. 4Attention boaters!!
The September long weekend will probably be the last weekend that boaters can safely launch their boats. The water levels will drop drastically on September 8 and may be below the minimums by Sep 12. Boaters should use caution.

Aug. 27Message for Pet owners!
This is a reminder that owners are responsible to clean after their dogs. Failure to clean up can result in a fine.

Aug. 25Sep. Long Weekend
Campground is fully booked already!!!

Aug. 19 Check for the August 2009 Newsletter here.

Aug. 14 The weather info on Home page is no longer!!!!!
The weather system has been ir-repairably damaged and it has been removed. Glue was found on the inside of the unit.

Aug. 6 It's Official!
This Media Release was sent out today.

Aug. 4Unit Owners are reminded to exercise some common sense regarding open pit fires. This past weekend’s huge windstorms created very hazardous situations for open pit fires. There were even instances when it was observed that these open pit fires were left unattended during this past weekend’s windstorm. Even though we are not in a fireban, common sense still needs to prevail especially in such hazardous situations. If any unit owner observes an open pit fire conducted in a hazardous manner, they are reminded that the fire department may be called to attend to the situation if the situation can not be reasonably resolved. If we are in a fireban situation, then the open pit fire must be immediately extinguished or the fire department called.
Requested by the LBR Board.

July 23Check out the new Album - there are 2 pages of photos - Views of Travers Reservoir!
Thanks Trent for taking me there!

July 21LBR Taxes! There will be a special Council meeting to discuss Little Bow's taxes on Wednesday July 29. This meeting will not be open to the public. I (Jon) will have a meeting with County prior to the meeting. If you have anything you would like communicated to County, please email prior to next Wednesday. Thank-you to everyone that has provided information so far. A summary will be provided after the meeting!

July 17Reminder! The crampground is fully booked for the July 24-25 weekend!

July 16Alberta Environment will be increasing the water level in our Resort dramatically (2 feet) over the next couple of days bringing the water level back to our peak level. This will once again take away our beach. No word on when the levels will be dropped again.

July 12Check out the new Album - there are 3 pages of photos - Fun at LBR!

July 8 Check for the June 2009 Newsletter here.

July 2To: All Owners of the Resort!
The owners of units 174 and 173 have requested permission to plant 8 spruce, trees as per the, attached diagram west of the berm.
If you have any questions or concerns with regard to the planting of these trees please contact Warren Lyckman advising the nature of the concerns on or before 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday July 15, 2009.

June 23Rocketry!
The Annual Lethbridge Rocketry Association launch is this weekend June 26, 27, & 28 if you would like to attend. Admission is free to spectators. Here is their website:
How to get there: Here is a Map.
GPS co-ordinates N49 26.973 W112 00.684

June 23Fire ban is OFF!
Due to the amount of rain received over the last few days, the Fire ban has been lifted until further notice!!!

June 18Handyman for Hire!
Check the Business Directory for more info!

June 17Fire ban is ON!
We have just been advised by the County of Vulcan that the FIRE BAN is ON. Check the Alberta Firebans for more info!
This effects open fires and fireworks!

May 20A BIG Thank You!
First Thank you to Bob Kilbach and his crew for putting in the buoys last weekend and then to Hillaby Homes for making new anchors for the old dock and for helping out in the wind storm getting the dock back in place.
Also a Big THANK-YOU to Greg Brown for helping.

May 14Reminder! Buoys!
Come and help out on Saturday, May 16, morning at 10! We are meeting at the compound! See you there!!

May 5Swimming Area!
We will install Swim area and buoys on Saturday, May 16 at 10:00AM. We need a couple of volunteers and the use of one or 2 Sea-doos with reverse, if possible but any Sea-doo will do. If you have a Sea-doo available, please email

May 3Campground!
If owners are looking for a camping spot for this summer, phone Verna to reserve one at 403 792-2169!!

May 2Thank You!!! to all the volunteers for installing the dock!!! Well done!!! Click here for 2 pages of photos!

May 1REMINDER - The dock will be installed on Saturday, May 2, 2009 at 10 a.m.! We are meeting at the boat launch! Your help is greatly appreciated!!

April 29REMINDER - The AGM will be held on Sunday, May 3, 2009 at the Southern Alberta Bible Camp at 1:30PM. There are 4 Board Members up for re-election. Please consider attending or give someone proxy access to vote on your behalf for new or returning Board Members or votes that result from new business arising.

April 26A Big Thank You!!!
From Ray and Verna to all the volunteers that helped with the gopher poisining!!!

April 24Alberta Transportation will be undertaking the rehabilitation of the Travers and Little Bow Reservoirs. For more information - check here.

April 15 Check for the April 2009 Newsletter here.

Apr. 14Gopher poisoning!
It is that time again! Let's meet on Saturday, April 25, at 10:00 a.m. at the paved walkway, leading to lake front by #151 and #84. Please bring a small bucket - we need about 12 people for about 2 hrs.
See you there!

Apr. 3Campground fully booked!
Please note that all camping spots have been taken for the July 24 - 25 weekend!

Mar. 30Cabins Wanted to Rent for The Larkam, July 25th, 2009, Wedding!
For more info - check the Buy/Sell Page!

Mar. 6Bylaw Amendment Vote
To date there have been 83 ballots returned regarding the proposed Bylaw amendments. The amendment of the Bylaws requires a special resolution, which by definition under the Condominium Property Act requires the approval of 75 % of the owners which is 189 of the 252 units at Little Bow.

At the Board meeting held on March 3, 2009 the Board voted to extend the vote until May 29, 2009. If you have already voted please disregard this message and thank you for your participation. If you have not voted please complete the ballot on the last page of the By-Law amendment package on the Archives page and return it to Braemore Management Ltd.

It is important that all owners vote on this package. Whether you are voting yes or no it is important to vote so that the Board has a clear understanding of the owner’s position with regard to the proposed amendments.

Mar. 2Spring Thaw has started!
This is a reminder for owners to come and check on their cabins. It is melting fast and we still have a LOT of SNOW!!

Feb. 16Congratulations Kayla!
This year's largest fish weighed in at 33.5 lbs! We had 60 registered participants and lots of friends and families. Thanks to all the volunteers to make this happen, especially Norm, Bill and Sean! Also thanks to Lorne and Maggie for starting and running the Fishing Derby for many years!

Feb. 152009 LBR Fishing Derby!
Check out the new Album - there are now 4 pages of photos - Day 2 has been added! - Fishing Derby!

Feb. 11Hoar frost and fog!
Check out the new Album - there are 2 pages of photos - February 2009!

Feb. 4Construction dump!
Good Day,
I will open the dump site on Friday, Feb. 6.
A reminder that ONLY WOOD is to be put into the construction dump. Steel, household garbage, furniture, appliances, paint cans should not be dumped there. Cardboard goes into the GREEN BIN in front of Recycle shed. Just to let people know before I lit the fire, I hauled 10 bags of house hold garbage to blue bins and 1/2 a load of paint cans, steel etc.
Here is a link to the Waste Transfer Station - Hours.

Feb. 1Family Day Fishing Derby
has been saved thanks to Norm Massey (unit 52) and Bill Erickson (unit 56)!
Come out and compete - there are some big fish in this lake! Contact Norm or Bill @ (403) 281-0179 or (403) 792-0009 for more information!

Jan. 28 Check for the Jan. 2009 Newsletter and a 2009 By-Law Clarification document here.

Jan. 24Construction dump!
The dump has now burnt - it will be closed to do major HOT spots - we will let you know when it is open again! Thanks Ray!

Jan. 24Family Day Fishing Derby is cancelled
If someone wants to take it over, phone Lorne @ 403-897-0008!
A big Thank You! to Lorne and Maggie for doing it all those years!!!

Jan. 23Attention Resident Snowbirds!
A copy of the By-Law revision document is now available on the News Archive page! Please print the last page, fill it out and sign and send back to Braemore Management either by fax (403) 380-4358 or scan and email!

Jan. 5Winter Wonderland!
Check out the new Album - there are 4 pages of photos - Winter 2008!

Dec. 23Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and all the Best for 2009!!!
Best wishes from Ray and Verna and the LBR board!

Dec. 22Be aware that there is lots of snow and drifts at our resort! Make sure you have lots of shovels and manpower!

Dec. 15 Check for the Dec. 2008 Newsletter here.

Dec. 12County council passes ’09 budget !
Here is a link to the Vulcan Advocate!

Dec. 11Travers Landing update!
Here is a link to the Vulcan Advocate!

Dec. 10New photos added to More LBR pictures!
Check out the 7 new photos at Photo Album!

Dec. 2Paint cans in garbage bins!!!
You can put any empty cans of paint and stain in recycle bin (not garbage bins) and Ray will haul them to Lomond dump site.

For other News from 2008 - visit the 2008 News or the secure Newsletter &Archives.