Little Bow Resort - News

Photo by Elfie Hall

This is a private resort and information contained here is intended for unit owners. 
Information not to be duplicated without permission

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You are visitor #since Jan. 2, 2008
Jan. 6, 2009Important!
If you have this page bookmarked - you will miss the 2009 News! Please change your bookmark!

Dec. 23Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and all the Best for 2009!!!
Best wishes from Ray and Verna and the LBR board!

Dec. 22Be aware that there is lots of snow and drifts at our resort! Make sure you have lots of shovels and manpower!

Dec. 15 Check for the Dec. 2008 Newsletter here.

Dec. 12County council passes ’09 budget !
Here is a link to the Vulcan Advocate!

Dec. 11Travers Landing update!
Here is a link to the Vulcan Advocate!

Dec. 10New photos added to More LBR pictures!
Check out the 7 new photos at Photo Album!

Dec. 2Paint cans in garbage bins!!!
You can put any empty cans of paint and stain in recycle bin (not garbage bins) and Ray will haul them to Lomond dump site.

Nov. 5Fire Ban is OFF!!!
Due to the snow last night, the FIRE BAN is OFF.

Oct. 30Fire Ban is ON!!!
Due to extreme dry conditions and strong winds the FIRE BAN is ON now until we get some rain or snow.

Oct. 29Lights at the recycle/garbage/storage area!

Oct. 25More LBR pictures!
Check out the new Photo Album of our Little Bow Resort!

Oct. 22Water Plant Cleaning!
Please be advised that the plant shut down and cleaning is now completed. We are back up and running. Fire depts in the area will be notified today and the fire ban will be coming off this afternoon. Hydrant flushing is now in progress.
Special Thanks to Ray & Verna for a couple of LONG working days!!!

Oct. 20Property Taxes!
Due to lack of interest, it was decided to withdraw the formal complaint to County of Vulcan over taxes. I will instead continue to pursue weekly via telephone and email. Owners will still be allowed to go to the meeting this Thursday at 9:15AM and listen to the county about the appeals process (Carseland owners will be presenting) but will not be permitted to speak on Little Bow issues. I am confident that a reduction will come next year rather than another increase. More info as this issue progesses.

Oct. 16Reminder - Waterplant Reservoir cleaning!!!
The Water Plant will be cleaned starting Friday, Oct 24. The plant will be shut down on Oct 17 to drain the reservoir. There will be limited water this weekend and extremely limited water next week. Please turn OFF your sprinklers. Any houses with sprinklers on after Sunday will have their water turned off. No exceptions. Watch the web page for news on when the plant will be back up. It is currently expected that the plant will be operational by Oct 24 or 25. Also the FIRE BAN will be on FRIDAY AM Oct 17 because there will be NO FIRE PROTECTION because this Saturday morning we have to stop making water - all fire hydrants will be out of service also as of SAT OCT 18 - you will see bags on them. PLEASE leave the bags on.

Oct. 5A BIG Thank You!!!
This is for all the volunteers that helped on Saturday, Oct. 4, to take out the new dock! All went well and the job was done in 1 hour!
Click here for more pictures!

Sep. 29Breakwater!
We will be pulling the breakwater/dock out this weekend (Oct 4). If you will be able to help, please come to the boat launch around 10:00AM.

Sep. 24Power outage!
Please notice that there will be a power outage Friday 26 from 1:00pm until 4 ;00pm because of construction.
Please DO NOT use water at this time because sewer pumps will Not be working.

Sep. 20Lock missing!
Please return the combination lock from the compound (to Ray). It has been missing since last Friday!

Sep. 14Attention owners!
Please be advised that the water treatment plant reservoir is scheduled to be cleaned starting Oct 21/08. This could take 4 to 5 days depending on repairs etc. There will be limited water pressure during this time. Please refrain from using water as much as possible. (No laundry, dishwasher, washing cars, cabins etc.) Tip: Fill water jugs the day befor to have on hand for usage, this will help.

Sep. 12Attention RV owners!
The water will be shut down Oct. 1 for the winter!

Sep. 10 Check for new Survey.

Sep. 4 Check for the Sep. 2008 Newsletter here.

Aug. 27Resort taxes will be addressed and update on Travers Landing!
This information is from this week's Vulcan Advocate. Click here for details!

Aug. 25Vandalism!
Our Resort has had a dramatic increase in theft, vandalism, & break-ins this summer. In most of the cases where the individuals are caught, it has been determined that people under 22 have been responsible. If you have children in this category please exercise the 3 W's. Where are your children, What are they doing, and When will they be home. Please also remember, that YOU are responsible for your children's actions as well as their friends while in the Resort for Resort vandalism and by-law offences. Property damage is not the responsibility of the Board and claims should be filed with the RCMP and your insurance company.

Aug. 22FIREBAN is OFF!
The Fire Ban has been taken OFF until further notice!

Aug. 17FIREBAN is ON!
The Fire Ban has been put ON because of extremely hot and dry conditions! No open fires in fire pits or fireworks till further notice!

If you haven't sent in your letter to County for tax relief, this is your last chance. The meeting will be held this Wednesday, Aug 13.
A summary of the meeting will be posted on the web later this week.

Aug. 11 Resort BBQ
Thanks everyone for coming to the annual BBQ. The wind was simply too strong to make a speech. We had 60km/h winds all through dinner and it stopped just after the tents came down. I'd like to thank our cooks, Tom & Brenda, all those that donated to our 50/50 draw, Heather Girvitz for selling the 50/50 tickets, the houses that cooked the roasts all day long and made their houses nice and hot, and the unbelievable support for taking down the tents. We were done in 20 minutes just before the rain so nothing got wet. Watch for the 5-year plan survey to come out this week.

July 30 Check for the Aug. 2008 Newsletter here.

July 22To date we have 22 letters. We need 60 to really get the attention of County. We are only raising a concern about the rate of increase with our taxes, NOT a re-assessment request so your taxes will not go up as a result of your letter and could possibly go down so I encourage everyone to write a letter. Please let me know (Jon) or send me a copy of your letter so when I approach counsel I can challenge them on how many they say they received.
Jon Hodal

July 21Sample letters to the County regarding our taxes - Click here.

July 14The wind reading has been fixed. The wind reading has been doubling itself over the last 2 years and I couldn't figure out why. This has finally been fixed and the wind reading on the weather page is now working (Since July 12) The 2 spikes in wind last week have been verified against the weather network.

July 14Firearms at the Resort.
Need we say more. If you can't do it in the city, you can't do it here. Please do not discharge firearms within the Resort.

July 11Taxes are not a concern of Little Bow and Lake McGregor people!
This is what was in the local paper on Wednesday. I STRONGLY encourage each and EVERY resident to send a letter to County. From conversations that I (Jon) have had with County this is only the beginning of increases to our Resort. Ted (McGregor Pres) and I have had many conversations with County but they simply don't believe us that the owners are upset as they don't say anything. Please send in your letters. Thanks

Lower our taxes, say Lake McGregor residents
Stephen Tipper
Wednesday July 09, 2008
One County councillor says the municipal body shouldn’t be swayed by the concerns of a few resort owners about their rising property taxes. Resort owners have been hit with a 30 per cent increase in their property taxes, and some residents have written to the County to ask for a new subclass of residential property for their properties because they say they don’t receive the same kind of services that other property owners do. But County. David Schneider said last week there’s hardly an envoy of people complaining about their taxes. “Four, five, six, 12 people don’t constitute enough,” he said. But he then added this: “We know we’re going to address this at some point.”
Reeve Ian Donovan said the County will likely be seeing more letters about the issue. County. Doug McIntyre said council should delay making a decision until budget time. “It’s something we’re going to have to discuss,” he said. Council opted to discuss ways to address the taxes on resort properties at a special meeting next month. Councillors and the reeve also agreed to send a letter to Lake McGregor Resort residents Michelle and Sebastiaan Thoen, whose letter requesting a new subclass was brought up at last week’s meeting. Lake McGregor residents don’t receive “any kind of services from the county,” they said. A new subclass needs to be created to recognize this, they added. Another Lake McGregor property owner, Ted Hartung, wrote to council a couple of months ago to express the same concerns. “This may come as a surprise to you, but many here at Lake McGregor Estates are retired and on a fixed income and will find a 30 per cent plus property tax increase unbearable,” he wrote.

July 10New Dock installation pictures
Thanks to Verna for the great photos! Click here.

July 9 Information on Taxes at Little Bow Resort, click here.

July 8 Annual Family BBQ August 9, 2008.
Please RSVP to Tracy Hodal. Please bring a family size side dish and desert. Cost $5.00 a person, 3 and under free. Cost covers the cost of the meat. Kids games at 5:00 and dinner at 6:00. Sandcastle judging at 4:00. Raffle donations are welcome. Drop them off at 172 lakeside Drive.

July 7 A Big Thank You!!! to all the volunteers that helped putting in the new dock!!! Well done guys!!!

June 29 Check for the July 2008 Newsletter here.

June 25Lignosulfate
The Board has negotiated with the County to place Lignosulfate on the north/south and east/west county roads that lead into our Resort. The total cost to our Resort is $10,000. There will be no special assessment for this work. This represents about 1/4th the total cost of the product. In addition, the county and the Board has requested several times to the province to place an additional layer of Lignosulfate on HWY #529 and this time cover all the way to the pavement. This is being completed as we speak and should make your drive to the lake for the long weekend a little more enjoyable.

June 12We are expecting the dock July 2-3 and are planning on installing Friday (Stampeade Parade Day) if enough people are out. Please email Jon Hodal if you are able to help. We plan to start at 10:00AM on Friday and should be done by noon, again weather and people permitting.
Please note that the second boat launch will be 'out of order' during this time.

June 12Just a friendly reminder that no motorized vehicles are permitted on the commons without Board permission. Failure to comply with these conditions could/will result in fines. The ground is VERY soft due to all the rain. Vehicles are only permitted on the commons at certain times of the year.

June 5Travers Landing: Open House at the Bible Camp - Right now there is a 70% chance of this project going forward. They still have the water issue to resolve, the switching of water license from one place they bought by Stavely and from irrigation to domestic water use. They will not sell any lots without a cabin. They developer/builder offers several different styles and size of cabins and they will only be sold as a package. They are talking about a golf course and a community place, including a small convenience store, which will be open to outsiders (the county made them do that). The developers are mostly oil patch people. He gave us the names. Before they can start building, they county will take out the gravel from their place. Beach and shore line they are still working on, not sure yet. They will pave the road all along their property on 529 - as far as the rest of 529 paving goes, who knows. They call it a 15 year project. If all goes well for them, the earliest construction would be 2009/2010. Average lot price around $200,000.
He said that we had an absolutely beautiful place here. He is right!!

May 30 Check for the June 2008 Newsletter here.

May 23 Travers Landing Notice of Public Open House....for more information, click here!

May 22 Dock/Eco grass survey Just a reminder that the survey will close May 26 end of day. If you have not voted on the dock/eco-grass Survey, please do so before May 26!

May 22 A Big Thank You!! to Ray for catching the guys that started the fire at the farm!!!!! Well done, Ray!!!

May 20 A Big Thank You!! to all the owners that help that helped with the fire at the old farm yard.
And a Big Thank You to Verna for rouning up the owners so quickly!!!

May 13 A New Survey is out! Please check it out and cast your vote! Surveys.

May 12 As a friendly reminder going into the long weekend, appliances of any kind are not permitted in the garbage bins or at the construction dump site. Please take to one of the Waste transfer sites.

May 5 Thank you!
To Dale Hildebrand, Darrol Lucas and Dave Connelly for all those years of serving on the Board!!
You guys made a huge difference!!!
We also like to welcome the new board members - Ron Girvitz, Mike Geisler and Jason Feit!

A special Thank you! to all the volunteers that showed up on saturday for the gopher poisoning! Great job guys!!!

Apr. 30 Reminder!
AGM on Sunday! Gopher poisoning on Saturday!
The AGM is at the Southern Alberta Bible Camp at 1:30 p.m. - see you there!!

Apr. 23 Gopher poisoning! We are looking for volunteers to poison gophers. If you can help out - Saturday May 3/08 10:00 am - Meeting in front of Jon's.

Apr. 21 Vulcan County and Little Bow Resort Fire ban is OFF!

Apr. 21 Little Bow Resort Owners!
Due to potential for abuse, privacy issues and potential liability the Board has decided that portions of the Web-site should be secured for owner access only and not be available to the general public.
Effective Monday April 21st newsletters and owner surveys etc. will be secured for owner access only.
The user id and password are case sensitive and cookie enabled.
A Home Page link has been added to each of the secured sites on the bottom. Your bookmarks for the secured sites will have to be changed to the new page names.
If you have any questions or experience access problems please contact Warren Lyckman.

Apr. 18 Gopher poisoning on Saturday!
We will have to see how the weather is tomorrow. We might have to postpone it to next weekend if there is snow on the ground. We will keep you posted!

Apr. 15 ATV Policy information: Please review the following information at our secure Newsletter & Archive page before the AGM on May 4, 2008. .

Apr. 10 Gopher poisoning! The poison will be available in the next few days. We will meet on April 19 in front of Jon Hodal's (lot 172) place on the lake side. We are looking for volunteers!

Apr. 9 Travers Landing group has its act together on proposal, says reeve. This article is in this week's Vulcan Advocate. For more detail - click here!

Apr. 9 As the camping season soon begins, please be advised of the following:
  • 2 site limit per household
  • All campers, including home owners pay $ 10.00 a night. ( everyone must register)
  • All fees to be payed in advance or upon arrival, once payment is received, campers will be given bathroom code. (see caretaker)
  • As fees are handed in frequently there will be NO REFUNDS
  • Please contact Caretaker for site availability at 792-2169
  • No fires, including propane fire pits in campground

Apr. 3 Vulcan County Fire ban! We have been notified by the County that a TOTAL FIRE BAN has been imposed. Please respect this! Here is a link!

Mar. 27 Travers Condo proposal This article is in this week's Vulcan Advocate. For more detail - click here!

Mar. 26 Fire Ban is On!!! Please note that the fire ban will be in effect until we receive at least 2 inches of rain.

Mar. 22 Thank You!!! We had a great turnout - everybody enjoyed it and the beach looks wonderful!!! Check for yourself by clicking here!

Mar. 19 Reminder - This weekend is our annual beach cleanup! If you are able to help, meet at the swim area at 10:00AM on Saturday March 22. It shouldn't take more than a couple of hours if there are enough people. We will cleanup dead trees and any rocks that we can reach without sinking into the sand.

Mar. 13 I just phoned Vulcan County office and they say the fire started by that dump site near the Provincial Park. They still don't know what caused it. It is so dry out here, we need some rain badly!
The fire department from all surrounding villages and towns were out in full force. The 529 was closed for traffic from our exit westbound. We drove down to the Provincial Park in the evening to see what it looked like down there and fire engines were still all over the place checking for hot spots. Even the next day we saw fire engines driving around and checking things.
It was pretty scary and hopefully people will learn something from it and not take vehicles all over the back country in the resort. The hot exhaust pipes could easily start something and it goes so fast.

Mar. 11 Too close for comfort - but we are o.k.!!!
Click here to get to the Wildfire Album!

Mar. 9 The Business Directory is out there now. Check it out!

Mar. 5 Check for the Jan-Feb 2008 Newsletter here.

Mar. 4Recycling Bins
The recycling Center is live. Each bin in the recycling center has been labelled with what it will accept. Glass, plastic, and various kinds of paper. Please note, cardboard is to be continue to be placed in the green metal bin, which is now placed in front of the recycling center. Please sort your garbage into the appropriate bins and do your best to keep the recycling center clean.

Feb. 18Little Bow Resort Fishing Derby Congratulations goes out to Chelsea Dodge (unit 49)!!! The trophy was won with an 11 lb 13 oz pike.

Next year, all residents and friends are once again invited to attend the 14th annual Little Bow Family Day weekend fishing derby. The fun starts on Saturday and ends at noon Monday. There are normally prizes every day. Food is provided on the lake.
Be sure to mark your calendars for 2009.

Jan. 31Gas shut-down: Due to the extreme cold over the last week, the pressure to the main gas line to Little Bow Resort dropped. This caused most furnaces to go out. Ray and Bow River (gas company), went around to all houses and re-light pilot lights where required. Houses that have self lighting furnaces or glow plugs were left. Ray verified exhaust coming out of every house. In some cases where access to a house was required and no key was provided, owners were called. This is a friendly reminder to ensure you have current emergency contact information (Work #, Cell #, Home #) with Braemore Management. Owner's are responsible for checking their property on a regular basis. Please note that water tanks were not lit so owners are encouraged to visit their cabin soon and be cautious of unlit pilot lights.

Also due to cold weather, internet is going up & down Little Bow so weather may not be current.

Jan. 23Recycle shed: Please put the empty cardboard boxes into the caged green bin located by the regular garbage bins. The shelf is there for owners to sort their stuff and to leave useable items for other owners.
Thank you for using the Recycle facility!

Jan. 10The Recycle shed is now complete with all it's bins and is now ready for use!
All the bins are labelled. Any usable items can be left on the shelf provided for others to pick up.
Thank you Dale for initiating this project!

Jan. 7Hedge trimming - Green Tips will be out Saturday, January 12 to prune the hedges. As the Board had mentioned before, please remove as much as possible around the hedges to allow Green Tips to move around the hedge. If you don't want Green Tips to prune your side of the hedge, please let Ray or Jon know if you haven't already.

The next Newsletter will be out around the middle of February.

Jan. 2 Happy New Year to everyone.
It was great talking with everyone over the last 11 days. Whether positive or negative I like to hear from everyone on how we can make our community better. A couple more inside water meter readings to get. if you haven't sent in your meter reading, please send to

Dec. 31 Warning! Please note that the Sewage Lagoon is unsafe for recreational use and the park between the lake and the cottages is NOT an off-leash area.

Dec. 23 Merry Christmas! The board of directores wishes everybody at Little Bow Resort a Very Merry Christmas and may 2008 turn out to be another great year!

Dec. 20 Campground Bathrooms: The new combo locks have been installed on the bathroom doors by the water treatment plant and are now operational. Please see Ray for the code. Just a reminder - these bathrooms are available only for owners that are under construction and friends of owners using the campground ($10/day).

Dec. 15 Ray and Verna would like to wish all the Little Bow owners and their familys a Very Merry Christmas, and Best wishes to all in the New Year.

Dec. 15 Lost and Found has now been added to the Buy/Sell page. If you have lost or found something - please notify the webmaster.

Dec. 12 Posted Little Bow Water Meter Implementation Plan here.

Dec. 3 Check for the Nov-Dec 2007 Newsletter here.

For other News from 2007 - visit the 2007 News or the secure Newsletter &Archives.